
You can now generate any object from text to 3D with Alpha3D AI Model Generator. Give it a try for free >>

Transform text and images into game-ready 3D models

Empowering game developers with generative AI

ticksNo credit card required
ticksFirst 50 AI-generated 3D assets free
ticksNo 3D modelling experience necessary

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Create 3D models in minutes. Up to 100x cheaper.

Alpha3D is a game-changing generative AI platform that empowers game developers and content creators to bring their visions to life by effortlessly transforming text prompts and 2D images into high-quality 3D digital assets in minutes – no prior 3D modeling experience required.

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Game development just got easier with Alpha3D

You don’t need to be a designer to create 3D content.

Alpha3D’ s simple and user-friendly interface lets you transform 2D images or text into 3D digital assets in just a few clicks:

  1. Upload a 2D image of a real-life object or use text prompts as input
  2. Alpha3D will automatically transform your input into a 3D model
  3. Download and use your 3D model on any game development, 3D, XR or metaverse platform

We work with some of the most innovative companies

How Alpha3D AI 3D Model Generator works

Pick your method for transforming your 2D images into 3D assets

Text to 3D model generation

Generate 3D models from text prompts in minutes. You can download the model in glb format and use it immediately in any 3D design tool or XR environment.

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2D image to 3D model generation

Generate 3D models from single shot 2D images in minutes. You can download the model in glb format and use it immediately in any 3D design tool or XR environment.

Please note, this AI model is currently trained on two object categories: shoes and furniture.

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Clients about us

Alexis Moulard

Alexis Moulard

Innovation & Experience Manager, Viva Technology

Alpha3D makes 3D model creation such a breeze. I don’t know much about 3D modeling but with Alpha3D’s light-touch plug-and-play solution, I don’t have to. We just send Alpha3D flat 2D images and receive high-quality, ready-to-use 3D assets. Alpha3D is the one-stop shop for creating immersive experiences at scale.

mike chara

Mike Charalambous


Alpha3D has been a key strategic partner for Threedium. Their ability to rapidly turn images into 3D assets helps us scale asset creation for all our major enterprise users. We aim to be working closely with Alpha3D for years to come to further push boundaries in asset creation and support them in introducing the best AI tech in turning 2D images into hyper-realistic 3D assets.

Sergey Arkhangelskiy

Sergey Arkhangelskiy


Alpha3D allows us to generate high-quality and accurate 3D models in a short amount of time, helping us speed up our processes significantly. The user-friendly interface is easy to navigate for anyone on our team.  Overall, we found Alpha3D to be extremely valuable and would recommend it to anyone who needs to generate high-quality 3D content at scale.

Why Alpha3D

10x faster

Create 3D content automatically at scale without any physical scanning or a team of 3D designers, to speed up processes and go to market faster.

Up to 100x cheaper

Alpha3D is a budget-friendly solution for creating 3D content. Save up to 100 times on manual labor and other costly resources per model, compared to traditional 3D creation methods.

No 3D modeling expertise needed

You don’t need to be a designer to create 3D content. Alpha3D makes it easy for anyone to transform text or 2D images into 3D digital assets.